Are you ready for more MONEY FLOW, BIZ FLOW, GOD FLOW, YOU FLOW, and a life you get to RUN with every day knowing your DESTINY is being decreed with your every move?

Write Speak Decree it Real with God! My 30-days ‘code your life right with God’ low-cost course! It is a JUMPSTART, and an entry point, or just a continuation, of your work with me. The gist is … let’s take a few minutes each day to PLUG IN WITH HIM INTENTIONALLY SUCH THAT ALL ENTIRE DESTINY JUST UNFOLDS LIKE WOAH!

Some of the things we will be going into include:

  • Knowing Gods will in your life

  • ​Setting your days up so they just WORK, rather than you working THEM

  • Effective claiming + handing over of things which really are not your job so that God can take care of them

  • Standing on His promises (provision, taking care of you, overflow, you stepping into the work you are truly meant to do and who you came here to be, DESTINY in all ways)

  • ​Understanding what those promises actually ARE, and also how to claim them

  • How to know when something is supernaturally done so that you can simply WAIT well for it to physically arrive

  • ​What it means to wait well ;)

  • ​Quitting the 'trying to figure it out and get there' life

  • Walking in daily miracles, play, light-heartedness, joy, and FREEDOM, as the norm

  • ​How to deal with fear, doubt, 'there's just too much to do', 'I don't know where to start', inability to relinquish control and surrender, and anything else stopping you from simply BEING

  • Walking in daily greater trust and faith and watching how that plays out over your whole life!

Are you ready to make TODAY the day you throw off fear, uncertainty, 'what if it doesn't work like I hoped', 'what if once again it falls flat', 'what if I STILL feel like I'm pushing this thing slowly up a hill I don't know if I even wanna be on', and that instead you ADOPT AN IMMEDIATE ATTITUDE OF 'IT'S WORKING FOR ME NOW?!'

I am so glad you are here. I pray that God blesses and keeps you, As you bless and surrender to Him.

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