The Wealth Anointing Digital!

This day was ... PHENOMENAL. Shockingly so. Honestly, what I covered could have gone into a 10 month conversation minimum! Ha. Always the way.

I was amazed and HUMBLED at how deep God took us, and what He brought through me.

There are 7 audio links and each has a title but that being said ... each covers way too many points to try and wrap into a title.

Here are some of the things we dropped in on, based on what I said it would be. There is a lot more than this!

  • I will be teaching and sharing (God led) on what it means to have a wealth anointing

  • We will be talking stewardship, and attending to what you have and are receiving now; what that looks like in order to allow God to give you more

  • We will be closing doorways to and repenting / rebuking / canceling access to the enemy’s attempts in this area to thwart you from your path of destiny

  • God will be revealing vision, blueprint, instruction for you for NOW

  • Layers will be shed and SHRED right there in the room

  • We will look at (and take action on dealing with) what right now in your business, money, life is NOT a match for you stepping in to this anointing

  • We will uncover what needs to be attended to or brought in to ALLOW this anointing

  • We will be very much directed and guided by the Holy Spirit on additional areas of teaching, instruction, prayer

  • I will be sharing the habit + discipline + purposeful intention (claiming) side of things

  • We will FULLY address and speak over fear in the area of money + business / your purpose work

  • We will see strongholds broken and your life changed with IMMEDIACY as we scream LOOK WHAT GOD DID!


There is a follow on video in which I hand over (via prayer) the wealth anointing / mantle God has given me in this area. It's a follow on because you have to listen to the audios first, which are of the full 1-day event.

And contain ... a lifetime of truth on wealth and receiving, the GOD way.

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